We Are to Deli­ver a Second Pavi­li­on for Kar­vi­ná Hospital

20. 09. 2023 | News

In 2020, we finished con­structi­on of the first medi­cal pavi­li­on in the Czech and Slo­vak Repub­lics for the Mining Hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná. This year we have agre­ed to build ano­ther one.

Already the second modular hospital

The Mining Hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná, known for its inno­va­ti­ve appro­ach to heal­thca­re, appro­a­ched us with ano­ther pro­ject. After our suc­cess­ful colla­bo­rati­on on the modu­lar buil­ding for ortho­pae­dics in 2020, we are now plan­ning to joint­ly imple­ment a new sur­gi­cal pavilion.

The sur­ge­ry buil­ding will have two flo­ors and will con­sist of 60 modu­les. The first flo­or will hou­se a ward with 25 beds, whi­le the second flo­or will be equip­ped with a modern ope­ra­ting the­a­t­re, which will be con­nec­ted to the exis­ting sur­gi­cal faci­li­ties at the hospi­tal. Thanks to its modu­la­ri­ty, it will be possi­ble to expand the pavi­li­on with an addi­ti­o­nal ope­ra­ting the­a­t­re in the futu­re if need be.

The hospi­tal has been designed by EP Rož­nov. All docu­men­tati­on has been pro­ces­sed in the BIM envi­ron­ment, which gua­ran­te­es pre­ci­se plan­ning and effi­ci­ent implementation.

The Mining Hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná plans to per­form a wide ran­ge of sur­gi­cal pro­cedu­res in the new pavi­li­on, inclu­ding bre­ast can­cer sur­ge­ry, day sur­ge­ry, and lapa­rosco­pic procedures.