Airports in Senegal: Transport of Modules - KOMA MODULAR (en)

Air­ports in Sene­gal: Trans­port of Modules

21. 05. 2021 | Projects

In Febru­a­ry, we star­ted the pro­ducti­on of modu­les to be installed at the St. Louis Air­port (Sene­gal). Now the modu­les are abo­ard a ship bound for Dakar.

A total of 72 modu­les for the air­port ter­mi­nal in St. Louis have been loa­ded on the trans­port ship, Gran­de Ango­la. The modu­les are wrap­ped in whi­te foil to pre­vent unne­cessa­ry hea­ting. Con­structi­on of the air­port itself will take pla­ce in the second half of this year.