City Modules in 2018 - KOMA MODULAR (en)
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City Modules in 2018

City modules in 2018 - Zlín Designweek, AFO Olomouc, KVIFF Karlovy Vary, and ZFF Zlín film festivals, Film School in Uherské Hradiště, FFDF Jihlava, The Staircase of Time – Czech Radio, The Prague Spring, The Signál Prague Festival of Light, The Light of Valmez, Art in Park in Trenčianské Teplice, Barum Rallye, South Moravian Summer in Uherské Hradiště, Future Port Prague, Designblock Prague, HR for IKEA, Sdílko Ostrava Poruba and many more.
Classification:Cultural venues
Year of implementation:2018
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Number of modules: 52
Product series: CityModul
Sales model:Lease
Late spring throu­gh sum­mer is the sea­son for fes­ti­vals and cul­tu­ral events whe­re our CITY modu­les are used in plen­ty. So we would like to high­li­ght just a few. In late April, and for the fourth time, our CITY modu­les appea­red at a stu­dent event orga­ni­zed by UTB Zlín at Design Week. At the same time three modu­les found the­ir way to Olo­mouc to appear at The Inter­nati­o­nal Fes­ti­val of Popu­lar-Science Films, AFO. During the mon­th of May, nine modu­les ser­ved as a unique pop-up expo­si­ti­on at Sdíl­ko in Ost­ra­va. A mul­ti-flo­or assem­bly of The Mini Ligh­thou­se bre­athed life into Wen­ceslas Squa­re in Pra­gue ser­ving as an info point at The Pra­gue Spring Music Fes­ti­val. The big­gest spring event for our CITY modu­les was The Zlín Film Fes­ti­val. As May tur­ned to June you could see 39 modu­les inclu­ding design workshops and Ligh­thou­se assem­b­lies in the cen­t­re of Zlín, which were used as auxi­li­a­ry rooms for Czech Tele­vi­si­on. Ano­ther fes­ti­val followed – this time it was in Carl­sbad whe­re we erec­ted a buil­ding for Czech Tele­vi­si­on for the second time. The­re was also a modu­le assem­bly for BMW auto­mo­bi­les on-site with a cus­tom faca­de made of Cet­ris and ply­wo­od designed by the Olgoj Chor­choj Stu­dio. Mea­nwhi­le, The Ligh­thou­se was moved to Sou­th Mora­vi­an Sum­mer in Uher­ské Hra­diš­tě. Other modu­les could be seen on the main squa­res in Otro­ko­vi­ce, Kro­mě­říž, at the Lip­no Dam and in Pra­gue. They were also pre­sent at Colours of Ost­ra­va and at the Barum Rally in Zlín. This year our modu­les paid a visit abroad as well – four units were used in Tren­či­an­ské Tep­li­ce and others could be found in the Beše­ňo­vá and Tatra­lan­dia water­parks. Nei­ther autumn nor win­ter dimi­nished the usage of our design CITY modu­les by orga­ni­sati­ons. At Anděl in Pra­gue they affor­ded an exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce to com­me­mo­ra­te the 50th anni­ver­sa­ry of Czech occu­pati­on by the War­saw Pact armies led by the Soviet Uni­on. Seve­ral modu­les also ser­ved as a pre­sen­tati­on spa­ces for designers par­ti­ci­pa­ting in Designblock – the lar­gest design event in Cen­t­ral Euro­pe. Asi­de from the modu­les tra­di­ti­o­nally used at The Sig­nál Fes­ti­val of Light in Pra­gue, our modu­lar buil­dings were used at The Svět­lo Val­mez Fes­ti­val of Light and Vir­tu­al Rea­li­ty. The Ligh­thou­se jaz­zed up the his­to­ri­cal squa­re in Jih­la­va during Ji-Hla­va, the lar­gest docu­men­ta­ry film fes­ti­val in Euro­pe. In Pra­gue our City modu­les were a part of the cen­ten­nial fes­ti­vi­ties cele­bra­ting the foun­ding of Cze­cho­slo­va­kia – read more here. They were pre­sent also at The Futu­re Port (FPP) 2018 inno­vati­on fes­ti­val in Pra­gue Hole­šo­vi­ce. Design modu­les will also be seen in Brno and in other pla­ces throu­ghout the coun­t­ry during Christmas mar­ket season.
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