Cm db2015 02 0
Cm db2015 02 0

10 photos

CITY Modules Appeal to Visitors at the Designblok Festival, CZ

During the autumn months of 2015, both residents of Prague and visitors to our capital city encountered CITY modules virtually everywhere they went. The DesignBlok 2015 trade fair can certainly be ranked among prestigious events. This was the second time KOMA had presented its atypical CITY modules at Designblok. This time, festival visitors had the opportunity to see three installations across Prague, both at the Holešovice exhibition grounds (which were the main venue for this year’s fair) or, as usual, on Na Příkopech street. Attendees of Designblok could stop at any of several white CITY Modules where, in collaboration with the companies mmcité and BigBoard Praha, three installations were presented as part of the initiative, "Pro lepší město" (For a Better City), whose aim is to draw attention to the low quality of street furniture in Prague. CITY Modules have proven to be a revitalising urban element that are suitable for historical settings as well.
Classification:Special modules / City modules
Year of implementation:2015
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Number of modules: 6
Product series: CityModul
Sales model:Lease
During the autumn mon­ths of 2015, both resi­dents of Pra­gue and visi­tors to our capi­tal city encoun­te­red CITY modu­les vir­tu­ally eve­ry­whe­re they went. The DesignBlok 2015 tra­de fair can cer­ta­in­ly be ran­ked among pres­ti­gi­ous events. This was the second time KOMA had pre­sen­ted its aty­pi­cal CITY modu­les at Designblok. This time, fes­ti­val visi­tors had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see three installati­ons across Pra­gue, both at the Hole­šo­vi­ce exhi­bi­ti­on grounds (which were the main venue for this year’s fair) or, as usu­al, on Na Pří­ko­pech street. Atten­de­es of Designblok could stop at any of seve­ral whi­te CITY Modu­les whe­re, in colla­bo­rati­on with the com­pa­nies mmci­té and Big­Bo­ard Pra­ha, three installati­ons were pre­sen­ted as part of the ini­ti­a­ti­ve, Pro lep­ší měs­to“ (For a Bet­ter City), who­se aim is to draw atten­ti­on to the low qua­li­ty of street fur­ni­tu­re in Pra­gue. CITY Modu­les have pro­ven to be a revi­ta­li­sing urban ele­ment that are sui­table for his­to­ri­cal settings as well.
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