Koma uhrineves final 16
Koma uhrineves final 03
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Koma uhrineves final 01
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19 photos

Elementary school in Uhříněvěs, Prague

Single-storey four-classrooms extension of elementary school.

Classification:School Realisations / Elementary schools
Year of implementation:2013
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 2 weeks
Length of manufacture: 2 weeks
Number of modules: 36
Area: 640 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

The baby boo­mers are moving on from kin­der­gar­tens to pri­ma­ry scho­ols. Also for this rea­son, Uhří­ně­ves near Pra­gue had a new pri­ma­ry scho­ol built using the modu­lar KOMA sys­tem. The scho­ol is equip­ped with an insu­lati­on sys­tem cove­red with plas­ter so that it would fit in with the enti­re com­plex of buil­dings con­struc­ted in the con­ven­ti­o­nal sty­le. Even so, thanks to the use of the modu­lar KOMA sys­tem the scho­ol was built very quickly.

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