Ope­ning of the new logis­tics hall

15. 10. 2008 | News

On the 15 Octo­ber 2008 we put into ope­rati­on a new pro­ducti­on logis­tics hall. The pro­ducti­on logis­tics faci­li­ty is the 3rd stage of moder­ni­sati­on of the KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON pro­ducti­on plant which is lin­ked to the new deve­lo­p­ment of a pro­ducti­on line. Recon­structi­on of the pro­ducti­on plant com­plex will con­ti­nue with a 4th stage and a 5th stage, when a sto­rage faci­li­ty for pro­du­ced con­ta­i­ners will be com­ple­ted, along with deve­lo­p­ment of a faci­li­ty for aty­pi­cal modu­les and new social faci­li­ties for pro­ducti­on wor­kers. The com­pa­ny also plans to recon­struct the deve­lo­p­ment workshop and to add new machi­ne­ry for pro­ducti­on. The enti­re reno­vati­on of the pro­ducti­on logis­tics faci­li­ty takes pla­ce in co-ope­rati­on with spe­ci­a­lists in logis­tics and pro­ducti­on pro­ces­ses, so prin­ci­ples of the latest pro­ducti­on manage­ment are applied for the new pro­ducti­on, along with sup­ply of the pro­ducti­on line with a limi­tati­on of down­ti­me. Besi­des pro­ducti­on and all com­pa­ny pro­ces­ses being managed using an infor­mati­on sys­tem, stan­dard pro­ducti­on of zinc dip­ping coa­ted metal she­et fra­mes being intro­du­ced and the appli­cati­on of the latest methods of manage­ment, the deve­lo­p­ment of the new pro­ducti­on logis­tics faci­li­ty is a further step towards achie­ve­ing a dis­tinct dif­fe­ren­ti­ati­on from the competition.