Unique modu­lar addi­ti­o­nal buil­ding of kin­der­gar­ten in Staň­kov has hel­ped to dozens of parents

01. 09. 2010 | News

A new modu­lar addi­ti­o­nal buil­ding of kin­der­gar­ten in Staň­kov is the only buil­ding of its kind in the Pils­ner Regi­on. After the peo­ple from Staň­kov had found out, that the­ir kin­der­gar­ten would had to refuse near­ly three dozens chil­dren for the lack of capa­ci­ty, they deci­ded to build this new kindergarten.

Twen­ty-two refused chil­dren were from Staň­kov and it was alrea­dy a seri­ous pro­blem,“ said City­’s May­or Ale­xan­dr Horák.

Incon­spicu­ous metal addi­ti­o­nal buil­ding is hiding insi­de except the lar­ge clas­sro­om, herewhi­th ser­ving as bedro­om, also bathro­om, chan­ging-room, cabi­net and kit­chen. The first scho­ol day showed up 27 pre-scho­o­lers of the total capa­ci­ty of 28th chil­dren, and they have cre­a­ted the class called Sparrows“ at this new addi­ti­o­nal building.

The addi­ti­o­nal buil­ding has deli­ght many parents from Staň­kov and even the Direc­tor of kin­der­gar­ten Marie Něm­co­vá is satis­fied with the buil­ding itself. It is spa­ci­ous, well designed and equip­ped with modern ele­ments. It beco­me an unde­pre­ci­a­ted clas­sro­om that we will envy the Sparrows“, said the Direc­tor and men­ti­o­ned that the buil­ding is iso­la­ted and insu­la­ted, and con­t­rollors from hygi­e­ne‘ were satis­fied with the con­di­ti­ons in the classroom.

The ever first modu­lar kin­der­gar­ten in the Czech Repub­lic, we have visi­ted and seen, is in Rych­nov u Jab­lon­ce, and our kin­der­gar­ten is aga­in sli­ght­ly bet­ter model. We have brou­ght a hea­ting from the exis­ting buil­ding, equi­p­ment was com­ple­ted with our fur­ni­tu­re and toys, and we have bou­ght new tables, chairs and beds,“ descri­bed Mrs Něm­co­vá and added, that the clas­sro­om still needs some snug and in the futu­re, she would like to sepa­ra­te bedro­om area using the vari­a­ble furniture.

The addi­ti­o­nal buil­ding of kin­der­gar­ten toge­ther with rela­ted works costs rou­gh­ly four mil­li­ons and the town Staň­kov will pay 50,000 CZK as the mon­th­ly rent for five years for the modu­le, then wil be paid the pri­ce for one hun­dred and fif­ty thou­sand and the town will keep a building.

A new clas­sro­om buil­ding was rea­li­sed at the last minu­te and was not easy. Althou­gh a con­structi­on got on pla­ce with dela­ys and arri­ved on Fri­day, 20 August, chil­dren were pla­y­ing into the new clas­sro­om on 1st Sep­tem­ber. The clas­sro­om buil­ding was really exacting. We had a short time and even the weather was not good. But the peo­ple of the city­’s tech­ni­cal ser­vi­ce Vetop Staň­kov, the com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON and sta­ff of kin­der­gar­ten have done a gre­at job. Wor­king hours did not exist the­re, eve­ry­o­ne sta­yed the­re until eve­ry­thing was done. This is really a human appro­ach to things, and eve­ry­bo­dy merits gre­at thanks, “ said with gra­ti­tu­de the Director.

by Sta­ni­slav Šebek, Domažlic­ký Deník

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