Thanks for kin­der­gar­ten in Modřice

31. 08. 2010 | News

On the last day of August was inau­gu­ra­ted a kin­der­gar­ten in Mod­ři­ce u Brna. Lets talk about the result a citi­zi­en from Modřice

Inten­ti­on and rea­li­zati­on for A+

Con­ta­i­ner addi­ti­o­nal buil­ding of kindergarten

I usu­ally wri­te to newspa­pers if some­thing upsets me or ipres­ses me - and because this the­me is in my opi­ni­on very inte­res­ting also in its wider con­text, so I have to sha­re with rea­ders my acqui­red kowled­ge and impressions …

A few mon­ths ago, when I read in a news­let­ter about the inten­ti­on of City Coun­cil to build a con­ta­i­ner kin­der­gar­ten“, I ima­gi­ned con­ta­i­ners on the buil­ding site and I was not so deli­gh­ted with that. As a for­mer designer I under­s­to­od the tech­ni­cal advan­tages of modu­lar buil­dings made from pre-industri­ally pro­du­ced com­po­nents, the quick buil­ding-up and the possi­bi­li­ty of any futu­re chan­ges of the pur­po­se or locati­on - but what about the aesthe­tic and ope­rati­o­nal standpoints …?

The result, we saw at the inau­gu­rati­on and start of ope­rati­ons, con­fir­med, that you can do right stuff“ if you have a wise inten­ti­on, qua­li­ty sup­pliers and good coo­pe­rati­on. Practi­cally in two and a half mon­ths, sin­ce the June deci­si­on of the City Coun­cil on the sup­plier, was a new addi­ti­o­nal buil­ding of kin­der­gar­ten not only build but also appro­ved for use, com­ple­te­ly fur­nished and rea­dy to pick up chil­dren. All par­ti­ci­pants from the City Coun­cil and kin­der­gar­ten (as inves­tors), and Mora­vi­an com­pa­ny KOMA MODU­LAR CON­STRUCTI­ON from Vizo­vi­ce and BOBÍK NÁBY­TEK from Hluk (as sup­pliers of buil­ding and equi­p­ment) and as well as inte­res­ted peo­ple from the appro­val autho­ri­ties, such as Buil­ding Autho­ri­ties, Hygi­e­ne and others, all these had cer­ta­int­ly a lot of very intensi­ve work with the new buil­ding, for which they merit thanks and appreciation.

These broa­der con­text, I see that it is a per­fect exam­ple of a modern effecti­ve appro­ach. Inde­ed, in the same way you can build practi­cally eve­ry­thing - from the kiosk for a bank branch, throu­gh the restau­rant, exhi­bi­ti­on hall, scho­ol or offi­ce buil­ding, to a recre­ati­o­nal or resi­den­tial fami­ly hou­se. Con­structi­on needs no base pla­te - con­trac­tor build him­self requi­red foot blocks for the sett­le­ment of indi­vi­du­al modu­les and the sani­ta­ry equi­p­ment is natu­rally the part of buil­ding, as well as hea­ting, lighting, ven­ti­lati­on, etc. Ten­ta­ti­ve­ly a pri­ce of the buil­ding like this one, with men­ti­o­ned equi­p­ment, is cal­cu­la­ted at appro­xi­ma­te­ly 20,000 CZK/m2 of built-up area without VAT - our scho­ol was about 3 mil­li­ons at 150 m² - see atta­ched drawing.

Vlas­ti­mil Čevela

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