Unusu­al visi­tors from Venezuela

24. 01. 2011 | News

At the begin­ning of Janu­a­ry, our com­pa­ny wel­co­med unusu­al visi­tors from Vene­zu­e­la. The Ambassa­dor Mr. Vic­tor Juli­án Her­nán­dez León, Ambassa­dor of the Boli­va­ri­an Repub­lic of Vene­zu­e­la, and his second secre­ta­ry, Mr. Miguel Alejan­dro Gon­zá­les Zie­gler visi­ted our com­pa­ny. We intro­du­ced our pro­ducti­on of modu­lar ele­ments to the ambassa­dor and we disus­sed possi­bi­li­ties of coo­pe­rati­on. We have arran­ged the possi­bi­li­ties of using our pro­duct line Eco­no­mic­Li­ne, the con­ta­i­ner type E3E at the Vene­zu­e­lan mar­ket for buil­dings as accom­mo­dati­on facilities.

  • Embajador
  • Ziegler
  • P1010119
  • P1010120
  • P1010121
  • P1010122