KOMA named the win­ner of the com­mis­si­on for the con­structi­on of the Czech pavi­li­on at EXPO 2015 in Milan

15. 12. 2013 | News

As a part of the design com­pe­ti­ti­on for the Czech pavi­li­on at EXPO 2015 in Milan, KOMA­’s modu­lar design was cho­sen on 13 Decem­ber 2013 as the win­ner by an expert panel of archi­tects. The designs were con­ce­i­ved for KOMA by the archi­tects at the Chy­bik+ Kris­tof Asso­ci­a­ted Archi­tects stu­dio. It is a tru­ly sin­gu­lar suc­cess for our com­pa­ny, because we can finally demon­stra­te to the gene­ral pub­lic that modu­lar archi­tectu­re from Vizo­vi­ce is an excellent opti­on that stands up to inter­nati­o­nal com­pe­ti­ti­on. With this pro­ject, KOMA will repre­sent not only Czech modu­lar con­structi­on, but the enti­re field of Czech architecture. 

The win­ning design, cre­a­ted by archi­tects Eva Jiřič­ná, Miroslav Řepa, Zde­něk Lukeš, Micha­el Klang, Vla­di­mír Sou­ken­ka and David Váv­ra, appea­led to the jud­ges because of its inno­va­ti­ve use of modu­les, which allows for ease of con­structi­on and dismant­ling of the pavi­li­on, the inter­con­necti­on of the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or of the buil­ding, the recyc­la­bi­li­ty of the mate­ri­als, and the inte­grati­on of a water fea­tu­re into the landscape. 

It is clear that the vari­a­bi­li­ty and secon­da­ry usage possi­bi­li­ties of the resi­den­tial con­ta­i­ners were an impor­tant aspect for the jud­ges. This was con­fir­med by gene­ral com­mis­si­o­ner Jiří Fran­ti­šek Potuž­ník, who expla­i­ned on Czech Tele­vi­si­on that the con­trac­tor took into account that after the EXPO, the pavi­li­on will be dismant­led and brou­ght back to the Czech Repub­lic, and would like to offer it for use as a preschool.“

  • Hodnotici-komise-a-poradci
  • Z-lukes-m-repa-d-vavra
  • E-jiricna
  • D-vavra-e-jiricna-m-klang-z-sklenar-z-lukes
  • E-jiricna-z-lukes-j-f-potuznik