Modu­lar Extensi­on of Mining Hospi­tal to Be Erec­ted in Karviná

17. 04. 2020 | News

A modu­lar extensi­on of the Mining Hospi­tal in Karviná.

Poptat nemocnice Healthcare Projects

In mid March, we gai­ned a con­tact for a modu­lar extensi­on of the ortho­pae­dics secti­on of the Mining Hospi­tal in Karviná.

It is a three-sto­rey buil­ding to be con­nec­ted with an inser­ti­on block to the exis­ting hospi­tal secti­ons. On the ground flo­or, the­re will be emer­gen­cy and exa­mi­nati­on rooms, the second and thi­rd flo­ors are allo­ca­ted for wards. The­re is also a lift.

The pro­gres­si­ve inves­tor deci­ded on such an imple­men­tati­on main­ly due to the advan­tages of modu­lar structu­res whe­re, besi­des rapid assem­bly, the­re is a mini­mi­zati­on of noi­se and dust during the con­structi­on ope­rati­on. This was deci­si­ve, as, in case of tra­di­ti­o­nal wet con­structi­on”, this would inter­fe­re with usu­al hospi­tal functions.

Ano­ther indispu­table advan­tage of the modu­la­ri­ty is the possi­bi­li­ty of imme­di­a­te functi­o­na­li­ty upon com­ple­ti­on of the assem­bly. The­re is no need to wait until the buil­ding sets as one would in the case of wet con­structi­on. The spe­ed of the modu­lar con­structi­on con­cept ena­bled us to enter a com­mit­ment to hand over the buil­ding within six mon­ths of sig­ning the contract.

We are con­vin­ced that this imple­men­tati­on of a modu­lar hospi­tal will be an exam­ple for other inves­tors, inclu­ding regi­o­nal coun­cils, etc., as was the first modu­lar kin­der­gar­ten in the Czech Repub­lic, which we erec­ted in 2009. Sin­ce that time we have rea­li­sed more than 30 modu­lar scho­ol buil­dings all over Czechia. Inclu­ding pro­jects abroad, this now amounts to near­ly one hun­dred in total. 

Show the visu­a­li­sati­ons of the modu­lar hospi­tal section.

  • Hospital in Karvina 2
  • Hospital in Karvina 3
  • Hospital in Karvina 4
  • Hospital in Karvina 5
  • Hospital in Karvina 1