We have star­ted the con­structi­on of the sur­gi­cal depart­ment in Kar­vi­ná (CZ)

16. 04. 2024 | Video

On Mon­day, April 15, we began assem­b­ling the second hospi­tal pavi­li­on in Karviná.

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A new two-sto­ry sur­gi­cal buil­ding is current­ly being con­struc­ted in Kar­vi­ná. After very good expe­ri­en­ces with the first pavi­li­on, the inves­tor orde­red a second buil­ding. The modu­lar con­structi­on method was cho­sen pri­ma­ri­ly for its spe­ed, as the com­ple­te pro­ducti­on and assem­bly on site takes about half a year. The first pati­ents will be admit­ted in July,‘ says Tomáš Cani­bal, direc­tor of the Kar­vi­ná Mining Hospital.

Both deli­ve­red buil­dings are pre­pa­red for expan­si­on with addi­ti­o­nal floors.