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9 photos

Offices for the Central Trade Park in Úžice

Modular office building and facilities.

Classification:Administrative Buildings / Offices
Year of implementation:2018
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 5 days
Length of manufacture: 1 week
Number of modules: 20
Area: 360 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale
The Úži­ce com­mer­cial and industrial area con­sti­tu­tes a loca­li­ty under quick deve­lo­p­ment with excellent acces­si­bi­li­ty and a stra­te­gic locati­on. For these rea­sons, the lar­gest logis­tics cen­t­re for the most impor­tant well-known brand names inclu­ding Mer­ce­des auto­mo­bi­les has been con­struc­ted here. KOMA MODU­LAR was invol­ved in and built auxi­li­a­ry rooms for this com­mer­cial park.
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