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9 photos

Office Building with Bond Façade

A two-storey office building with a façade from bond cassettes and with a double sloping roof.

Classification:Administrative Buildings
Year of implementation:2021
Architect / Studio:Haase & Pollack Tiefbau
Client:Haase & Pollack Tiefbau
Country of implementation:Germany
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 2 Weeks
Length of manufacture: 2 Weeks
Number of modules: 12
Area: 200 m2
Product series: StandardLine

Haa­se & Pollack Tie­fbau, a Ger­man con­structi­on com­pa­ny based in Zos­sen near Ber­lin, has been making use of con­ta­i­ner offi­ces for many years. The buil­ding, made with con­ta­i­ners, had rea­ched its end of its lifecycle and the com­pa­ny lac­ked spa­ce. Thus, the com­pa­ny manage­ment deci­ded to repla­ce the ori­gi­nal set of con­ta­i­ners with a com­for­table new modu­lar buil­ding offe­ring more spa­ce with a first-flo­or extensi­on. Our task was to deli­ver an assem­bly of such dimensi­ons that could be installed on the foun­dati­ons of the ori­gi­nal con­ta­i­ner assem­bly. The buil­ding has a secon­da­ry faça­de made of bond cas­settes and a double slo­ping roof. Con­si­de­ring the flo­or load, which is hea­vy in buil­ding com­pa­nies, a high­ly resistant flo­o­ring mate­rial was chosen. 

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