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The Development and Innovation Centre of Modularity

No right angle, roof at the level of the adjacent road. The new building on the KOMA company premises breaks the stereotypes of modular construction. Thanks to cooperation with the architectural duo, Michal Krištof and Ondřej Chybík, it was possible to create a unique space with an area of 170 m2 using only 6 modules with a trapezoidal ground plan.

Classification:Administrative Buildings
Year of implementation:2021
Architect / Studio:Chybik+Kristof architects & urban designers
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Number of modules: 6
Area: 170 m2

You can con­struct a buil­ding from a vari­e­ty of mate­ri­als – bricks, panels or who­le modu­les. In The Deve­lo­p­ment and Inno­vati­on Cen­t­re, this con­cept is taken a step further by using and fil­ling the spa­ce between the modu­les. The pur­po­se of The Inno­vati­on Cen­t­re was to free modu­lar archi­tectu­re from the strict­ly right angle.

The archi­tects under­li­ned the who­le con­cept with colour sche­me – all the modu­les are mat­te black insi­de and hide com­ple­te faci­li­ties from the tech­ni­cal room, throu­gh chan­ging rooms, kit­chen, sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties, to mul­ti­me­dia equi­p­ment or the showro­om. On the con­tra­ry, the spa­ces between the modu­les cre­a­te a lar­ge open spa­ce in a con­tras­ting whi­te colour with the use of per­fo­ra­ted she­et metal – the design is based on the look of a labo­ra­to­ry. In order to work fle­xi­bly with the spa­ce, the­re is an inge­ni­ous sys­tem of whi­te cur­ta­ins insi­de, which can be used to chan­ge the spa­ce into indi­vi­du­al offi­ces or open it up for con­fe­ren­ces. Two high clea­ran­ce pyra­mids top­ped with sky­li­ghts also sup­port cre­a­ti­ve acti­vi­ty. These pyra­mids rise from the gre­en roof.

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