Lodging Facility for Employees of FOSFA - KOMA MODULAR (en)
Ubytovna FOSFA 3
Ubytovna FOSFA 6
Ubytovna FOSFA 5
Ubytovna FOSFA 1
Ubytovna FOSFA 2
Ubytovna FOSFA 7
Ubytovna FOSFA 8
Ubytovna FOSFA 3

7 photos

Lodging Facility for Employees of FOSFA

A modular two-storey lodging facility consisting of 36 Standard Line series modules.

Classification:Residential projects / Accommodation facilities
Year of implementation:2019
Client:Fosfa a.s.
Country of implementation:Czech Republic
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 2 weeks
Length of manufacture: 1 week
Number of modules: 36
Area: 756 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

Advan­tages of modu­lar con­structi­on, such as spe­ed and easy buil­ding expan­si­on, con­vin­ced FOS­FA to build a resi­den­ce for its employe­es using the modu­lar con­cept. The two-sto­rey buil­ding is assem­bled from 36 Stan­dard Line modu­les and meets the DP1 fire resistan­ce requi­re­ments. The equi­p­ment is of a higher uti­li­ty stan­dard, inclu­ding wall-moun­ted toi­lets and a con­ce­a­led water and was­te dis­tri­bu­ti­on sys­tem. We deli­ve­red the lod­ging faci­li­ty with a basic design and a she­et metal faça­de; in the cour­se of time the buil­ding will later be fit­ted with plaster.

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