Whats App Image 2023 12 08 at 20 30 05

News | 10. 12. 2023

The first plane lands in Saint-Louis

The modu­lar air­port in Saint-Louis has star­ted ope­rati­ons with its first com­mer­cial flight.

KHN 2 202

News | 20. 09. 2023

We Are to Deliver a Second Pavilion for Karviná Hospital

In 2020, we finished con­structi­on of the first medi­cal pavi­li­on in the Czech and Slo­vak Repub­lics for the Mining Hospi­tal in Kar­vi­ná. This year we have agre­ed to build ano­ther one.

Senegal letiste Saint Louis2023

Projects | 22. 06. 2023

Visit to Senegal

One year after the han­do­ver of the air­port in Saint Louis, we went to check on the air­port again. 

Hala L fasady a hliniky

News | 15. 06. 2023

We started the construction of a new hall L for the production of modular facades

This sta­te-of-the-art hall will be used for the pro­ducti­on of modu­lar faça­des and alu­mi­ni­um win­dow and door panels. The invest­ment in this new hall is pro­of of our sta­bi­li­ty and suc­cess even in dif­ficult times, and will also bring new jobs.

KOMA 2022 100 Obdivovanych firem v CR

News | 26. 04. 2023

Ranked among the 100 Most Admired Companies in the Czech Republic

KOMA achie­ved second pla­ce in the ran­king of the 100 MOST ADMI­RED COM­PA­NIES in the Czech Repub­lic in the field of con­structi­on. The award assessed cri­te­ria such as inno­vati­on, qua­li­ty of manage­ment, social and envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bi­li­ty, pro­duct qua­li­ty, and other indi­rect factors.

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Zanech­te nám svůj email a bude­te pra­vi­del­ně dostá­vat novin­ky ze svě­ta modu­lár­ní výstav­by v podo­bě naše­ho e-bulletinu.