List of references - KOMA MODULAR (en)
Year Title Building category
2003 Accommodation and offices for oil platform, Grooting Site equipment
2003 Petrol station Business Realisations / Petrol stations
2003 Offices, VOLVO Administrative Buildings / Offices
2003 Site equipment Site equipment
2003 Fastfood Catering projects / Fast food
2003 Gatehouse for ABF Other / Gatehouses
2003 Rest home in Redoute Residential projects / Senior houses
2003 Offices for company WIEGEL / IMOS Administrative Buildings / Offices
2003 Glazier's shop, Svoboda Business Realisations / Small manufacturing plants
2003 MOT, Beli, Holešov CZ Business Realisations / Small manufacturing plants
2003 Showroom Business Realisations / Showrooms
2003 Offices for company MAERSK / České přístavy a.s. Administrative Buildings / Offices
2003 Petrol station - FORD AutoBusch Business Realisations / Petrol stations