List of references - KOMA MODULAR (en)
Year Title Building category
2020 Linking Section among Retirement Homes in Vsetín Residential projects / Senior houses
2020 Extension of office building EDIKT Administrative Buildings / Offices
2020 Sanitary units for leasing, Rekord Other / Units for leasing
2020 Modular Extension of the Secondary School in Holzheim School Realisations / Secondary schools
2020 School School Realisations / Elementary schools
2020 Two schools for KBS School Realisations / Elementary schools
2020 Kinergarten, KiTa School Realisations / Kindergartens
2020 Offices for fire brigade Administrative Buildings / Offices
2020 Offices for GMSH Administrative Buildings / Offices
2020 Units for leasing, AMTRA Other / Units for leasing
2020 Extension of the Mining Hospital in Karviná Healthcare projects / Hospitals
2020 Rest Rooms for Public Transit Drivers in Brno Other
2020 Four-classroom Kindergarten in Květnice School Realisations / Kindergartens
2020 Single-classroom Kindergarten in Měchenice School Realisations / Kindergartens
2020 Administrative Building for V-Podlahy Administrative Buildings
2020 Administrative Modular Building with Co-working Offices in the Outskirts of Paris Administrative Buildings / Offices
2020 We contributed to the Coating of the Parkview Administrative Building Administrative Buildings / Offices
2020 Cassettes for the New Headquarters of J&T Administrative Buildings / Offices