Schule Holzheim 1
Schule Holzheim 1
Schule Holzheim 8
Schule Holzheim 30
Schule Holzheim 32
Schule Holzheim 5
Schule Holzheim 20
Schule Holzheim 23
Schule Holzheim 11
Schule Holzheim 18
Schule Holzheim 10

10 photos

Modular Extension of the Secondary School in Holzheim

A two-storey extension of the school constructed from 42 StandardLine modules has expanded the school with the addition of 9 classrooms.

Classification:School Realisations / Secondary schools
Year of implementation:2020
Country of implementation:Germany
Technical Specifications: Length of assembly: 3 Weeks
Length of manufacture: 3 Weeks
Number of modules: 42
Area: 700 m2
Product series: StandardLine
Sales model:Sale

The lack of clas­sro­om spa­ce was resol­ved in Hol­zhe­im, Ger­ma­ny, near the town of Neu­ss, with a modu­lar extensi­on that was built in a time­ly man­ner and one the does not pollu­te the envi­ron­ment with buil­ding traf­fic. The on-site assem­bly took pla­ce during the sum­mer mon­ths and the stu­dents star­ted the­ir scho­ol year in the new clas­sro­oms. The two-sto­rey extensi­on con­sis­ting of 42 modu­les pro­vi­des spa­ce for four clas­sro­oms on the ground flo­or and five clas­sro­oms on the first flo­or. The deli­ve­ry inclu­ded an inter­nal double stai­r­ca­se enc­lo­sed in beech, an exter­nal side-bracket stai­r­ca­se, plas­tic win­dows with elect­ri­cally con­t­rolled exter­nal shut­ters, a Lexan porch with alu­mi­ni­um con­structi­on, and hot water heating.

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