
We are the first Czech company to offer complete leasing services:

  • lea­se of indi­vi­du­al con­ta­i­ners – (por­ta­ca­bins, sani­ta­ry and toi­let­te boxes);
  • lea­se of com­ple­te sets of con­ta­i­ners, inclu­ding installati­on, remo­val and transport;
  • long-term lea­se of modu­lar buil­dings, both low-ener­gy and eco­no­mi­cal, inclu­ding kin­der­gar­tens, scho­ols, admi­nis­trati­on buil­dings, sta­ff quar­ters, etc.; lea­se of the fur­ni­tu­re and accessories;
  • lea­se of acces­so­ries – out­do­or stai­r­ca­ses, cour­tyard bal­co­nies, shel­ters, air-con­di­ti­o­ning units, etc.

Lea­sing is pro­vi­ded by our affi­li­a­te KOMA RENT in Bohe­mia and Mora­via and KOMA SLO­VA­KIA in Slo­va­kia. With our sophis­ti­ca­ted logis­tics, we save you trans­port costs and costs con­nec­ted with trans­port and installati­on of the lea­sed con­ta­i­ners. KOMA RENT also owns a lor­ry with a hyd­rau­lic boom so that you can save money on the rent of a crane.